Good morning, and welcome to the Sunday Edition of Making Men. After a very hectic week at work, I’ve been looking forward to being able to sit down and put together this post.
Working on the posts for Making Men has become one of the more relaxing things I do every week. Writing is a release, and I’m getting to do plenty of it in this endeavor. Usually, people refer to projects like this as a “labor of love”. But truth be told, there is only one aspect of it that I would call “labor”, and that’s the promotion of the newsletter. While I certainly think that getting the message out to as many men as possible is important, I find that to be the least enjoyable part of it all.
Several of you have shared the newsletter in various ways, and for that, I say thank you. If you haven’t yet but would like to help spread the word, you can click the handy button below to share it with your friends in a variety of ways.
As for the writing itself, I look forward to stealing away the time to work on posts. Whether I’m working at my job, working around the property, or even doing things I enjoy like watching the sunrise from my porch or staring at the dying embers of a fire in the backyard on the weekend, I find myself thinking about writing Making Men. And that’s a good thing. Hobby isn’t the right word for it, but it’s the closest thing I can think of at the moment to describe how I feel about doing this. I enjoy spending every minute I can on it, and I hope you’re still enjoying it too.
I’ve put the call out before, but I think it’s worth repeating. If there is a topic or subject you’d like to see covered here, don’t hesitate to bring it up. You can leave a comment on any post, or email me directly at I’ve thoroughly enjoyed hearing from all of you your thoughts thus far, and hope the trend continues.
But for now, let’s get on to the curated list of articles and posts on interesting topics that I want to share with you this week. One thing that sets men apart from guys is that they have interesting things to talk about in conversational settings. One sure way to always be interesting to conversate with is to be well-read on a variety of topics. With that in mind, here are this week’s interesting topics to educate yourself about.
Old School Ingredients That Are Making a Comeback
The popularity of common ingredients tends to vary over time. Discover the old-school ingredients that are finally making the comeback they deserve.
How Do Scientists Reconstruct What Dinosaurs Looked Like?
Is there a recipe for recreating a dinosaur's appearance? Experts reveal how they know what dinosaurs really looked like.
Although the invention of pizza, as we know it occurred in 18th-century Naples, the full history of this beloved dish, stretches back to ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece.
11 Facts About the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom
Many of the precious pieces date back hundreds of years and are immersed in history—as well as controversy.
A Brief History of America Freaking Out About Horror Comics
Congressional hearings, banned books, murder investigations—In the 1950s, horror comics took the blame.
America’s Secret Plan to Invade Canada
Today we think of the two nations as the friendliest of neighbors, but at one time both nations had somewhat detailed plans for attacking one another… just in case.